So when I went to my sister-in-laws, Jessica, Mary Kay party, I had no intention of becoming a consultant. Though I did want to buy a few things. :) A few days later, I met with Jessica and her director thinking I'll just listen to the "spiel" about the business and get a discount on some products. Even after talking with them, I had a little interest but still didn't think I could do it. So I said, "I'll talk to my husband and get back to you."
When I got home, I did talk to my husband thinking he would be totally for it if I decided to say yes. But he had more questions and skepticism than I did! I didn't know the answers to all the questions he was asking me. And I felt this odd pressure to do it just to prove him wrong. But I didn't want that to be the reason. I really wanted his support if I did. He even had the same fears I originally had. "But you don't even like sales." And "It's just a pyramid scheme." (Which it's not, you make your own commission and can even surpass your recruiters. It just depends on how much you put into it.) I talked to my director again to answer questions that we both had, and with a little more discussion with my husband, I decided to face my fear and say yes! Holy moly I was still scared about whether or not I could do it or even enjoy it. But there wasn't much to lose. I bought the starter kit knowing that I could send it back and get 90% of what I paid for it if it didn't work out.
The next few days while I waited for my kit to come in, I was wondering if I made the right decision. I had Joel behind me by now and he was making a "business plan" for me. He was finding out ways for me to market and was giving me tips on sales. If he had faith in me, I knew I had to have faith in myself. I felt this push through some prayer and definitely felt like to was the right thing and right time for me to step outside my comfort zone. (Remember I am almost 7 months pregnant.) So starting something new during this time really scared me! Ha, it's still frightening, but I'm feeling this sense of urgency to do as much as I can before baby comes!
I had my first party last week, and was so grateful for everyone who showed up and showed their support for me. It was such a success that my doubts started to subside and excitement and eagerness started to take over. I realize that MK isn't for everyone, but the more I learn about it the more I realize how perfect it is for me!
I love the products, learning about skincare and beauty just thrills me. I wish everyone was as excited about it as me. Lol. I love how priorities are in the right order God first, family second, and career third. It just makes me happy to know I can take as much time as I need when my baby is born and go back to working. I'm also reading Mary Kay's autobiography. I'm really surprised at what a smart and inspirational women she was. (I'm not just saying that because I'm selling MK.) I've heard of her before, but knowing her story is just so empowering as a woman. And the company she built isn't just about making money, it's teaching and giving.
This is getting pretty lengthy, but what I really wanted to say is this is a new door for me and I'm asking for prayers and support. I really want to do well and achieve a sense of direction in my life while balancing being a wife and mother. Of course, if you want to help me out and order something or hold a party, I won't hold it against you. I can always use people to practice on right now. :p
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