Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A picture's worth a thousand words

Call me a slacker if you want, I'm behind on a lot of stuff. Instead of explaining all my reasoning's, I'll just say that I have more free time, and I have been spending some of that free time with friends and outings. Which is something I was in desperate need of. And now that I'm feeling more refreshed, I'm starting to catch up! Here is a gift from my mother-in-law, Marsha, that we received from Cora's birthday. It's absolutely so wonderful that I couldn't not share it with everyone! I basically told her what I was hoping for with some pictures. Though she is very modest with her skills and talent, and sometimes doubtful, I was blown away with how awesome it was! She really needs to give herself a lot more credit for her brilliant artistic abilities. So here is what she made:

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