Saturday, September 29, 2012

It's here!

So after I vented my frustration about not getting my cookbook, I got a call that it was received in the front office. Yay, but still took 3 weeks! So I looked through the whole thing and tried out a few recipes. There's a few pumpkin recipes and it only seemed fitting that I make something with pumpkin on the first day of fall.

The author/cook is half Japanese so there is a good part that's Asian influenced, but a lot that's some of our favorite American foods. She shows you how to make cook without using prepackaged, processed foods. And if you have a sweet tooth like me, there's a section just for desserts! With every recipe, she lists calories, fat, sugars, etc, so you know what your getting. And the majority is under 500 calories! I love how she gives tips on making your own sauces and marinades. And if you have a veggie picky husband like my own, she suggest mixing veggies in with your ground meat for hamburgers! She also keeps the meals budget friendly, so you can eat fancy without spending big bucks.

Spiced pumpkin cookies with a cinnamon pumpkin glaze.

Dill cucumber sandwiches.

My most favorite meal is in here to! Pad thai, yum.
The book is called Pretty Delicious written by Candice Kumai. I got it off Amazon for $6, it's originally $30, so you can get it for a good deal!

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