I have definitely fallen behind in my blogging, but I blame it on not having a camera to document with. Joel has been using my camera for work so I've been without...and we are also on a budget right now trying to save up and pay our cars off, so I haven't be able to do a lot of projects fluttering in my head. Mostly pertaining to our house. We STILL haven't completed the downstairs. I have been taking pictures to document our progress, but now we're at a standstill until other things get taken care of. I can't wait until its finished!
Cora has been trying to crawl, actually was a little mobile today, how exciting!! But now I'm in trouble and need to start baby proofing, ahh!! But she can't move very well on the hardwood, so the carpet downstairs is best for her. It will be our entertainment hub and we will be spending a lot more time down there, which is why I can't wait until it is completed so Cora can play without hitting her head on the wood.
Hmm...what else?? We ended up getting a puppy. We said we weren't going to but I was kinda missing my little Frankypoo. Never did find him, or Tyson. So if we were to get another dog, it was gonna have to be small. So we got Mr. Doogie Howser. He's a min pin, yorkie, pekinese mix. No he's not yappy, completely opposite, in fact, he's a huge wimp. But we'll see if he gets any more comfortable with us.
This has been a busy summer for us with birthdays, anniversary's, and all the summer fun. It was my 24th birthday and our 3 year anniversary this July. We celebrated with a little bbq and went out to dinner. We are hoping to have a really nice anniversary vacation sometime...(like Hawaii, Mexico, or Carribean). We could really enjoy that, definitely.
Since Joel has been working almost all day, I've been trying to find ways to get into a routine of doing something. I contemplated getting a part-time job, but didn't want to pay for childcare. So I started going to the YMCA and working out with classes in the morning. Everyday we do a different class and I can take Cora and check-up on her if need be. We've also been swimming a couple times a week.
Phew!!! There's just an update as to what has been going on with me lately and hopefully I can get my camera back so I can take pictures of some of the cool things I have been doing. I can take some with my phone but maybe I'm just retarded and can't figure out how to upload it to my desktop. I may need to find my usb adapter. Now that'll be a task.
The cakes my mom for my birthday. |
Some of the snacks we had for the bbq. |
Mom and I at Starlight Theatre watching Cinderella. |
A project I really want to do is make pillows like these! |
I found a tutorial on how to make a cover for your ottoman. I have an ottoman and thought it would be so cool to make on of these! |
How cute is this?! I know Cora isn't old enough to play house but in the future I want to make this to put over our card table. |
I also really like this skirt and want to attempt to make it. All you need is a mens old dress shirt! |
This probably would've been good for spring, but I think it's really cute and could easily be made for the fall season by changing some of the colors up. I NEED something new to put on my table! |